Đại Học chăn Trâu

Thursday 30 April 2020

Phép lạ độc nhất để thắng TC giải phóng Việt Nam: Vua Quang Trung tái sinh lãnh đạo tinh thần thế giới.

Kính chuyn ,

----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2020, 10:43:22 AM PDT
Subject: [VN-TD] Phép lạ độc nhất để thắng TC giải phóng Việt Nam: Vua Quang Trung tái sinh lãnh đạo tinh thần thế giới. Ng. Phú Trọng lên thay Tập Cận Bình làm Chủ Tịch Nước Trung Hoa Cộng Sản.

Tại sao những người Việt yêu nước yêu tự do có thể biểu tình rầm rộ bất bạo động hợp pháp đòi hỏi hay cùng nhau quì lậy cầu Trời khẩn Phật cho người anh hùng áo vải Nguyễn Huệ tái sinh đem tài lãnh đạo loài người chống Trung Cộng bành trướng, giải cứu Việt Nam và thế giới tự do, đưa nhân loại lên nền văn minh mới bậc 3 xuyên hành tinh trong thịnh trị thái bình?
How to Educate the World Including Communist China and Raise Humankind to the Next Level of Interplanetary Civilization in peace, freedom and prosperity?
Làm sao giáo dục công dân thế giới kể cả Trung Cộng để toàn nhân loại tiến lên nền Văn Minh Hoàn Vũ mới tự do dân chủ thịnh vượng hòa bình?
Tại sao VN không điên khi muốn cứu nhân loại trước khi tự cứu chính mình? Sự thực ta không những không điên mà còn hoàn toàn sáng suốt thông minh tài trí hơn người, vì nếu ta cứu được người thì người sẽ hết sức trả ơn cứu giúp ta, và khi toàn thế giới đoàn kết một nhà, ta sẽ có cơ phá mộng Trung Cộng bá chủ hoàn cầu giải phóng Việt Nam.
Làm sao thực sự phục hận ngày VN mất nước 30 tháng 4, 1975 vào tay Trung Cộng? Làm sao cứu nguy Hoa kỳ và thế giới tự do đang bị Trung Cộng tấn công nguy kịck bằng vũ khí sinh học Covid-19 và sẽ bằng nhiều vũ khí tối nguy hiểm khác trong tương lai?

      Đầu tư 1 tỉ U.S. Dollars mở đại học thực, và như thực (Virtual), cũng như trên mạng giáo dục công dân Việt Nam, Hoa Kỳ và tất cả thế giới quyền làm người sống tự do, bình đẳng, mạnh mẽ mà nhân từ, không làm nô lệ, đầy tớ của kẻ khác, biết thế nào là phải trái, suy luận hợp lý, hành động theo đúng tín, quí, trọng, phải chăng, thông thạo các nguyên tắc căn bản của quốc tế công pháp rồi cùng nhau thành lập bằng lá phiếu tự do Cơ Cấu Văn Minh Đại Việt cho Việt Nam và Cơ Cấu Văn Minh Thế Giới cho toàn nhân loại trên căn bản dân chủ tự do pháp trị trong thịnh vượng thái bình.



Tại sao nước ta chỉ cần một tỉ phú thông minh ái quốc sáng suốt đầu tư vào chương trình mở đại học thực sự, như thực (virtual), và trên mạng để giáo dục công dân thế giới, thắng tầu cộng về mặt tinh thần, quốc tế công pháp, chính trị và đạo đức, thành lập Cơ Cấu Văn Minh Thế Giới tự do dân chủ toàn cầu thống nhất, và trở thành trí phú (trillionnaire) một cách hoàn toàn lương thiện hợp pháp ngay tại Hoa kỳ, là đủ để VN thành đỉnh cao trí tuệ loài người lãnh đạo tinh thần thế giới, gồm cả Hoa Kỳ, Trung  Cộng và Âu châu, tiến lên trong năm năm sắp tới. Thay vì để Trung Cộng sẽ bá chủ hoàn cầu đè nén Hoa Kỳ, đất nước thứ nhì của hàng triệu người Việt chạy nạn CS, thôn tính VN, bắt toàn nhân loại làm đầy tớ tay sai hay bị diệt chủng bằng những vũ khí tối tân hóa học hay sinh học bí mật người thường không hề biết hay tưởng tượng được mà còn man rợ hơn Covid-19 cả vạn triệu lần?

VN đã có thuốc trị Covid-19.
Xin đọc thì biết !
Xin chuyển tin ngay để cứu nhân loại. Đừng ích kỷ, ỷ lại, hèn nhát, lười biếng, chỉ chờ kẻ khác làm hộ cho ta. Cám ơn quí vị. 


 Ngày xưa người anh hùng áo vải Nguyễn Huệ có nói khi 200.000 quân nhà Thanh sang xâm chiếm nước ta: “Chúng sang phen này là để mua cái chết đó mà thôi.”  Sau khi đánh giết đuổi giặc về Tầu cứu lấy giang san đất tổ như đã nói, ngài tính trùng tu đất nước, tổ chức tăng cường quân đội, rồi sang Trung Hoa thôn tính Lưỡng Quảng mở mang bờ cõi thành lập một nền văn minh mới cho nước Việt Tiên Rồng. Tuy thế, chẳng may, mắc bệnh băng hà, mộng lớn không thành ngay, nhưng để truyền lại cho hậu sinh khả uý, hay hi vọng là thế ! (Hahaha).
    Ngày nay, lịch sử thế giới đã đổi thay rất nhiều, rất nhanh và rất trầm trọng. Phần lớn nhân loại đã tiến bộ độc lập tự do văn minh lịch sự thông minh nhanh nhẹn khôn khéo tử tế lương thiện hiền lành. Có quốc gia đã gửi người lên mặt trăng và đang tính lên Hoả tinh khoảng vài ba năm nữa. Trong khi đó, con cháu Trưng Vương, Nguyễn Huệ, Trần Hưng Đạo không những quê kệch kém người, mà còn chỉ biết tranh cãi chửi bới đánh giết nhau, và đã trở thành ngu xuẩn hèn nhát chia rẽ như heo như chó. Quốc nhục đó có lấy cạn nước biển  Đông cũng không sao rửa sạch. Hậu quả là đất nước Tiên Rồng của chúng ta lại một lần nữa đau đớn nhục nhã chui vào gông cùm tai quái ác nghiệt nghông nghênh của Trung Hoa Cộng Sản do chính lỗi dân ta một phần lớn đã ngờ nghệch nhẹ dạ bị chúng mua chuộc đồng hóa sai khiến bằng lợi ích kinh tế, chức tước, hay ý tưởng hệ cộng sản sai lầm.
    Tuy thế, tình trạng chung của Việt Nam và thế giới hiện đại chưa có chi là hoàn toàn vô vọng. Nếu ta còn có lòng nhớ thương kính yêu đất nước, muốn cứu lấy sơn hà xã tắc, rửa nhục cho ông bà tiên tổ, đem tự do độc lập no ấm lại cho quê hương Tiên Rồng yêu dấu, thì tất cả chúng ta phải cùng nhau chung sức cứu toàn thế giới trước ra khỏi tình trạng nguy kịch toàn cầu hiện tại bằng tinh thần lãnh đạo, với trí thông minh sáng tạo bạt ngàn có một không hai trong lịch sử toàn thế giới từ cổ chí kim không ai sánh kịp, bỏ xa những gương sáng lãnh đạo thế giới từ xưa đến nay như Phật, Lão, Khổng, Socrate, Giê-su, Mồ Ha Mết, Karl Marx, Einstein.
    Muốn phá tan gông cùm hay nhà ngục để được thực sự hít thở không khí tự do, thì ta phải đủ tinh thần, kiến thức, nghị lực, cơ hội, và tài năng mới lạ tuyệt vời, dám nghĩ, dám nói, dám làm, kêu gọi toàn thể thế giới hãy cùng ta chung sức đập tan bạo lực gông cùm của những kẻ mạnh mà không tử tế, có dũng mà vô nhân, chỉ biết cái lợi của cá nhân mình mà quên quyền lợi của kẻ khác, chỉ biết cái lợi của đồng đảng mình nhưng sẵn sàng tiêu diệt các đảng phái khác, chỉ biết nước mình mà khinh thường bắt nạt các quốc gia nhược tiểu chung quanh. Chỉ biết cái lợi nhỏ cá nhân phe nhóm trước mắt nhưng không nghĩ tới cái quyền lợi lớn chung cao xa của toàn thể nhân loại thương yêu.  Trung Cộng dưới quyền kiểm soát của Tập Cận Bình ngày hôm nay đang trở thành một con quái vật khổng lồ hành động bất hợp đạo đức quốc tế công pháp, chỉ biết cái lợi riêng của đảng Cộng Sản Trung quốc nhưng đang lạm dụng khinh thường quyền tự do làm người của toàn thể nhân loại trong đó dĩ nhiên có Việt Nam và Hoa Kỳ. Điều này đã trở thành hiển nhiên chướng tai gai mắt toàn dân thế giới.
    Những tội ác tầy trời của Tập Cận Bình nói trên chỉ có Thế Giới Tối Cao Pháp Viện của Cơ Cấu Văn Minh Thế Giới mới có thể giải quyết được một cách thoả đáng theo đúng tinh thần công lý của quốc tế công pháp bất bạo động áp dụng toàn cầu.

    Vì lý do trên, ngày hôm nay, mồng 10 tháng 4, 2020, người dân quèn đất Việt Thế sư Mạc Trường dõng dạc rõ ràng tuyên bố cho toàn dân thế giới nhân loại nghe theo và hành động như sau:

    “Tên Cộng Sản Tập Cận Bình dám vung Covid-19 ra tàn sát nhân loại, trong 5 tháng qua, tính diệt chủng Hoa Kỳ, làm bá chủ hoàn cầu, là đã phạm tội sát nhân diệt chủng, phải bị mang ra tòa có đầy đủ thẩm quyền để trừng trị đích đáng, theo đúng tinh thần công lý trong quốc tế công pháp bất bạo động của toàn nhân loại dân chủ pháp trị công bằng bình đẳng văn minh tiến bộ.
    “Cơ Cấu Văn Minh Thế Giới do những người dân đất Việt và công dân thế giới kêu gọi sáng lập ra, dưới sự lãnh đạo của Thế Sư Mạc Trường, Dmt MacTruong hay DMT GOD 3.0, trên căn bản liên bang, dân chủ, tự do, có tín quí trọng, hành động mạnh mẽ mà nhân từ, công bằng hợp lý, với tôn chỉ và mục tiêu chính là lãnh đạo tinh thần và bằng luật pháp công minh toàn thể loài người trong đó có Việt Nam, Hoa Kỳ, Âu Châu và Trung quốc, sẽ bắt đầu lập đại học trên mạng hay có trường ốc thực sự rồi thâu nhận hàng ngàn hàng triệu hàng tỉ cộng tác viên, giáo sư và sinh viên để dạy dỗ cũng như học hỏi quyền lợi và bổn phận căn bản của mỗi công dân thế giới, các nguyên tắc chính của đạo đức quốc tế  công pháp, rồi cùng hoạt động chung sức khai sáng vận động giúp tất cả nhân loại bầu cử tự do thành lập Cơ Cấu Văn Minh Thế Giới theo đúng các nguyên tắc trong Hiến Pháp đã được viết ra và công bố từ ngày 25 tháng 10 năm 1975 để đồng loạt tiến lên một nền văn minh mới xuyên hành tinh, trong kỷ nguyên Tương Tuyệt Đối, trên con đường tự do, bình đẳng, nhân ái, sáng tạo, giầu sang, thịnh vượng, hạnh phúc, thái bình.”

Đó chính là:
Mạc Trường gốc dân quèn đất Việt.
Dâng óc tim rửa nhục nước nhà.
Tiên Rồng ta quyết tâm đoàn tụ,
Chiếm kỳ được ưu thế tiền phong.
Chuyến này tiếp Quang Trung Hưng Đạo,
Treo Việt Nam soi sáng hoàn cầu.
                       Mạc Trường dân Việt.

Chú ý: Muốn biết chi tiết của chương trình hành động trên, xin mời quí vị đọc tiếp bằng tiếng Anh. Quí vị nào có khả năng, lòng tốt, lại say mê với đại sự, xin dịch ra tiếng Việt và nhiều thứ tiếng khác, dĩ nhiên cả quan thoại, để phổ biến rộng rãi cho đất nước và toàn thể nhân loại bằng mọi phương  tiện truyền thông tối tân nhanh chóng nhất. Nếu chỉ 1% dân tộc ta và nhân loại hăng hái đoàn kết làm nhiệm vụ tiền phong lãnh đạo cao cả này, thì chắc chắn ngày hạ bệ Tầu Cộng Tập Cận Bình giải phóng Việt Nam và Hồng Kông, Tây Tạng sẽ mau tới không xa. Xin cám ơn toàn thể quí vị và chào chiến thắng!


Suddenly God Almighty

wonders out loud for all to hear:

Why do we, all active and earth-loving world citizens, only need one intelligent open-minded money-loving multi-billionaire investor, who wants to do anything legal and honest to become the first world trillionaire right in the United States of America, to launch the promotion, education and training face to face on location, virtual and on line of millions and billions of millennials and people of all ages all over the world including of course those of Communist China to be well versed in human rights, basic civic duties and fundamental principles of International Public Law and capable of successfully running a campaign for  the election of all the three Legislative, Executive and Judiciary branches of the  WORLD UNFOLDING STRUCTURE OF CIVILIZATION or WORLD STRUCTURE, with the U.S..A., Vietnam, China, India, France, Russia, and all other willing capable nations, as the world most powerful responsible partners, and all humankind will advance to the next level of interplanetary civilization in the Absolute Relativity Era, within the next five years?  That, instead of being lazy, uneducated or divided and mindless, allowing communist China to become the Master Race of the Globe and realize apparently nice-guy Winnie-the-Pooh look-alike, but actually much-worse-than-Hitler communist President-for-life, Xi Jinping’s overt dream of crushing Vietnam and all other Asian countries, making of our USA a messy divided aimless third-world country with the help of incompetent Joe Biden, Jr., or the like, and ruling all humankind as their slaves and servants or at best docile pets like cats and dogs and horses for the next 5000 years, or exterminate us all with ultimate secret chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction or sophisticated food poisoning that average people cannot even imagine or are aware of, and that will be million times more deadly than the simple unsophisticated Covid-19, (*) which kills only unlucky victims who do not know that  this virus can be stopped by drinking just three or more delicious glasses of Dmt Drink within 24 hours or for a few days at the most. 
If you love America and the Free World as much as I do, then kindly read this message very carefully, verify its accuracy and immediately forward this great news on all media to save our human race, including more than a billion of non-communist Chinese. Don't be lazy or indecisive and just wait for someone else to do this simple but urgent job for you if you want a better future for all the peoples of our precious Planet Earth.  Unless you are terminally ill, wake up and fight for your human rights and way of life and the future of the generations to come that can be free and creative, not necessarily communist or Chinese or Winnie-the-Pooh look-alike with sexy or non-sexy slanted eyes or speaking Mandarin without any accent, as long as we all are reasonably reliable, productive and respectable! (Hahaha!)
(*)  Is it not a fact that Xi could not tolerate and had publicly and totally suppressed in China Winnie the Pooh, one of the most gentle likable animated characters ever created, once he had seized power in China? So, how can anybody believe that, if he has his way, this apparently gentle Winnie-the-Pooh-lookalike smiling Communist Chinese would refrain himself from bullying or even secretly murdering anybody on earth, such as U.S. President Trump, and many other world leaders, male or female, or me or you, who would like to be independent and free enough not to be spiritually challenged and haunted by Xi's inappropriate physical image reincarnating crushing personal power all over the Globe? Now, don't I have a point? (Hahaha!)


It's all true what I wrote back on March 10, 2020:

Communist Chinese Sick Joke (UPACNEWS1 3/10/2020): If all the Coronavirus really start to die on 3/24/2020 at 10 AM, i.e. two weeks from now, as "predicted" by Chen Guosheng, member of the Natural Disaster Prediction Committee of the Chinese Geophysical Society,  then the current pandemic disaster is only a Communist Chinese sick hoax..They have created it to scare the world and kill Americans and/or sell their anti-coronavirus drugs to make $ or to show off as the most advanced country that can control humankind's destiny. Unfortunately for them by accident the virus killed Chinese first. That was why they tortured to silence the first doctor who announced the bad news. Let's investigate and sue these Communist Chinese in the World Supreme Court to be created in the World Structure.
But of course, in order to have the World Court of Justice to try internationally notorious criminals like Xi Jinping, we must start by building first THE WORLD UNFOLDING STRUCTURE OF CIVILIZATION in the new ABSOLUTE RELATIVITY ERA.
To know how to do all this simple common-sense thing, kindly just continue your reading that will gently guide you to our wonderful brand-new universe of tomorrow.




            About 12 Noon April 22020, before going out, I took a look at my six masks that I had bought months ago to cover my nose when I sprayed bug-killing liquid in my apartment. They were still there but I thought they wouldn't last long, if I used one or maybe two per day. Then, being a genius inventing plenty of things from real stuffs of dream such as  "Teletact" or "Wireless Sex" for a man staying on earth to make love to his wife on the moon or Mars, to MT-EARS [Electronic Automatic Repulsion System - U.S. Patent No. 6,769,645] preventing terrorists from willfully slamming airplanes in such targets as the Pentagon or White HouseI thought of the information given on TV every day these days that Covid-19 survive only 24 hours on cardboard and about three days on stainless steel, but luckily for us, not forever, unless they could land on their ideal spots like our fragile lungs and kill us within days, I think of the simple solution to make my meager supply of six masks last forever or almost!
            How? The genius super intelligent me (hahaha - just kidding, of course) can use my Mask No. 1 for one day, then put it aside in a safe place; then use Mask No. 2, the next day, and so on. After 5 days, I can certainly reuse safely my Mask No. 1. Assuming researchers say that it would take ten days for all Covid-19 to die on an infected mask, then I would need 10 masks for 10 days. If it would take only 3 days for these bad communist guys (no kidding) to die, then I would need only three masks, etc.  
Now, Dear President Trumps and Dr. Fauci, you certainly don’t need to be geniuses or understand my theory of Absolute Relativity to guess how to implement my said idea, which is as simple as that of Christopher Columbus’s egg or Einstein’s Relativity, and agree that each one of us would need most probably only 5 masks to be safe forever, and we, Americans, will save billions of masks and billions of dollars and many lives that will be lost due to the lack of masks on supermarket shelves in the scary days to come, and we can go right back to work to rebuild America.


Actually, Mr. President, I am a Covid-19-immune 76-year-young Vietnamese American citizen. I only wear face mask in public for the sake of the law, because I have invented DMT DRINK that has enforced my immunity system in the last 25 years and guaranteed that I cannot even sneeze or have a running nose, letting alone be killed by any kind of flu-like virus.
I think of Prime Minister Boris Johnson and CNN Show Host Chris Cuomo. This part of my letter is for you and all  those who are tested positive with COVID-19or even for the rest of all humankind, except Chinese President Xi Jinping, who don't want to get sick and die by any kind of flu at all. [Note 4/11/2020: I emailed this message to BBC, CBS and NYT to forward to President Trump, Boris and Prince Charles a few days prior to Boris’s being placed in ICU and as of 4/11/2020 Boris is doing much better!] [Note 4/16/2020: Hi Chris, I am happy that you are now out of Coronavirus death threat by having taken Tylenol, which never worked for me or  dead Covid-19 victims. Make sure now to switch to DMT Drink, that is compatible with any drug or antibiotic, to 100% recover and thank me in two days on CNN, and partner with me to make sure that President Trump, that you and your brother Andrew obviously hate, will defeat Joe Biden in November 2020, not necessarily for the sake of the USA, but the free world, of which our beloved America is part, to stop Communist China that has given you, Chris, that deadly Covid-19, and soon a lot of worse stuffs than that, unless they fail due to domestic upheavals, which are unlikely in the immediate future, or until we could together persuade them to become a reliable, productive and respectable member of the World Structure, which will hopefully serve with success our entire planet, if my plan for the world is adopted.]  
What the hell is DMT DRINK? Ah uh, hell is not the right word to usesince Dmt Drink is the remedy that would make sure you won’t go there because of Coronavirus or any virus at all. Just ask anybody who is from my family or friend, including my personal pharmacist Said Makar of Jersey City, and physician Noel Smith, MD, 325 Broadway, NY, NY 10007 - (212) 385-3730all eager to save you from Covid-19 using my method, if you call him before you die, of courseThey all know it for years, because I used to bug them to deatheach time, I see them sick. As such, my loved ones, including Dr. Smith, who had told me that he had listened to my idea and saved his mother not once but three times from imminent death with sufficient doses of Vitamin C and Ozone, can certainly testify that not only my delicious DMT DRINK invention works, but also can you feel it really does within 15 minutes and won’t let you down, unless you let it down by not drinking enough of it....
Basically, it’s complicated and long to figure it out, but since I love you all and want to keep you and your loved ones well informed and healthy, I would describe my DMT DRINK formula in one sentence: It's a big glass of good tab water, in which you pour a full teaspoon of Vitamin C powder, and add enough tea powder or Honey Citron & Ginger Tea for a good taste.  That’s it.
Enjoy up to four glasses of Dmt Drink a day at two-or-three-hour interval so long as you have some flu-like symptom, or even a sore throat or a toothache or nothing at all for prevention purpose. Drink one cup of very tasty Guava juiceif you feel like you need to run to the bathroommore often than usual after having consumed more than 4 glasses of Dmt Drink in 24 hours. Guava juice should stop your running instantly. (Hahaha)
Take in enough DMT DRINK and you should survive Covid-19 or actually any kind of virus known to science. However, if you still die, then just see me in heaven, after I would have finished my current exciting visit on Earth. I will listen to your complaint and make sure that you can go back home and beautify our planet as a Tree of Life that all will love or stay in heaven for as long as you wish. But, if you fail to listen to me and end up in hell, then of course you won't see me and should know that it was none of my fault. As such, my solution to this simple Communist Chinese Covid-19 issue is a win-win one in all events, and you should take it seriously if you hate the idea that you may go straight in hell when you die. 
Life is short unless you watch boring Stephen Colbert on CBS. This guy must always find something bad to say about President Trump, who only tries his best to be positive and cheer us up even before we may die in mass. Nobody is perfect the way we want them to be. No one couldn't be better in the opinions of others on earth. They just love to think so to put us down no matter how hard we may try to please them. Like right  now, there must be tons of guys, and girls too, hating me for bluntly telling you all, for instance, the simple rational truth that Moses' Yahweh or God 1.0 or Jesus God 2.0 are only ideas or fictional characters that can be upgraded, i.e. made better, more definable, and re-used to save human lives and our planet. And, there is no reason for any fanatic Jewish or Christian to hate my gut for that. But, on the contrary, all those who believe in Moses' God 1.0 or Jesus God 2.0, whether the latter would come back or not, starting from ex-Nazi Pope Benedict 16 and ex-ballroom bouncer Pope Francis, should help me spread out my messages, and together we will make our dream of having one united humankind, Christian and non-Christian alike, going ahead to build the WORLD STRUCTURE, cutting down to reasonable size communist China, and rise to the next level of interplanetary civilization, a vivid reality. So, there is nothing wrong for me to tell all of you the blunt truth with some good-taste humor and a loving heart. (Excuse me for bragging!)
As such, there is no reason to hate me or time to panic. Just follow God Almighty's advice, and, don't you dare die early on me by communist Chinese's latest vicious biological invention! Strongly and proudly live, instead, to stop them from spreading it worldwide! Save Hongkong, Vietnam, our entire beloved free world and celebrate life, notwithstanding whatever Winnie-the-Pooh-lookalike Xi Jinping has been planning for us in secret.  He can be one of us, if he is nice and fair, but certainly not our master or bully or secret assassin, murdering us all or almost without any cost of building holocausts, while getting money from our pockets to buy their ppe to fight against their own plan of making of America the greatest gas chamber the world has ever known. With your partnership, I surely can cut him down to proper size and stop him by challenging him to deny that he had not learned from my teaching back in 1976 until right now in many of my published books and articles all over the world, including "Absolute Relativity," "Three Steps from the United Nations to the World Unfolding Structure of Civilization," "The Best is Yet to Come," "Together We Build the World," "The God Map," "The Eleventh Commandment," "Who Killed Jesus and Why?" and so on, and made of himself and his closest followers a big powerful band of Communists 2.0, who are certainly much more skillful to cheat people and grasp their land, like that of Vietnam and the entire China Sea for instance, than unsophisticated Marxist-Leninist and Maoist Communists 1.0 of old time.     
Google “WHO IS DMT GOD 3.0?” to know who I really am and partner with me to save this world and advance humankind to the next level of interplanetary civilization!  No money is needed. Just publicly say that you love my ideas and want me to cut Communist China down to size, or send me a smile to dmtgod30@aol.com. That would be quite enough.
Ask President Trump to continue to follow my advice in my numerous private letters to him and partner with me to develop American long-term foreign and domestic policy and implement my various practical projects and inventions, and we will get out of this mess in no time at all, and our proud country will be soon the world’s greatest partner, and China, second, if they, with or without Xi Jinping, know how to behave themselves and play well their role in the World Structure, where every active nation would have the same opportunity to contribute to the great advancement of all humankind to the next level of interplanetary civilization under the strong and kind leadership of the Universal Collective Brain in the Absolute Relativity Era.
Btw, if you buy Vitamin C powder 5000 mg from PippingRock.com, kindly tell them I told you so by just putting in this Code: ABS943.  Make sure to remind them not to raise their price on us, and that it is shameful and against the law to take unfair advantage of fellow human beings in distress.  
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to explain to you how together we can save our lives and human dignity and more importantly those of our loved ones and the generations to come. Ultimately, that's what God 3.0 (not 1.0 or 2.0) is for, right?
Kindly scan this message and post it on your Facebook page or forward it to as many people you care for as possible to save them masks, toilet papers, time, money and help them to hang on not only to their dear lives but also dignity as human beings and potential partners of God Almighty that I am. The Best Is Yet to Come! [See, Attached!]


    How about Toilet Paper shortage? Can we not go to the bathroom anymore? About March 2020 mdearest son called me from London, UK, complaining that he, of course like everybody else, could not buy toilet papers any more in that big city that used to have all. I said why do you need toilet papers when you can wipe clean your behind with a wet hand towel? That method of cleaning would be much cleaner, faster and much more comfortable for your indispensable and best seat in life. I have done that all my life, even when I have plenty of toilet papers right next to me, and am very happy with that simple practiceAfter having listened to my advice, my son, who, unlike Jesus, is the only true God’s biological son, and hopefully will run for World President one day in the World Structure of the Absolute Relativity Era, is quite happy with my idea and agrees that only dirty people would need or love toilet papersAnd, if the whole world follows DMT God 3.0’s advice, then not only our respective butts are clean and comfortable but also would we save billions of dollars per year from those guys and girls who make big bucks by deforestation and contribute to the destruction of our Planet Earth for the discomfort of their customers’ behinds, instead of doing something else much more useful like growing my patented Trees of Life and Forests of Life getting every person being dead by COVID-19, or whatever causes, right back to life as magnificent trees and forests contributing wonderfully to the breathtaking beauty of our Planet Earth. [See, my Gold Medal winning U.S. Patent No. 5,799,488.One or many magnificent Forests of Life should be grown so soon as the unprecedented worldwide communist Covid-19 Massacre is over to commemorate and dignify each and every individual victim that has now been temporarily buried in almost unknown mass graves in the Bronx, New York, and elsewhere all over the world.
    So, just partner with me and our whole earth could grow and preserve more trees and become literally our paradise, while those who invest in my numerous innovative useful projects can be rich and breathe real good air! [Hahaha!]
Attn. Radio and TV Stations & Newspapers:  You may call me for interview, and I will be happy to explain in detail how we can economize natural valuable scarce resources and precious human lives. Everybody else may send your email addresses to dmtgod30@aol.com for lots of information regarding how together we can partner to save our Planet and raise humankind to the next level of interplanetary civilization; or better yet, just go on Amazon.com or eBay.com or  Kindle to read my 2000-page Book entitled God Almighty’s THE GOD FACTOR to learn how, with plain common sense, we can quickly implement some of my out-of-this-world fascinating inventions such as “Trees of Life,” “God 3.0 Towers,” "World Capitals," "Manhattan-sized spaceships," "Tele-built Ultramodern Cities" on Mars, Saturn or Jupiter, “DMT Drink,” “DMT Trees,” to control earth's climate change, “G-Angels,” and “Wireless Sex Networks” and so on. Et voilà, “Social Distancing” or even “AIDS” and "Cancers" would be no big deal or things of the past.  
    Finally, if you are now multi-bilionnaire or almost and wish to become much richer, more creative and respectable as a God Almighty’s Universal Partner and World Citizen, you are most welcomed to Google “Who is DMT God 3.0?” to love and respect me for who I am, and give me a call to receive my love and respect for who you are. If you are indeed rich, intelligent and honest, it would be just that easy and simple to coordinate our brilliant ideas and positive actions to save our earth and raise it to the next level of interplanetary civilization to be of great service to all humankind and tremendously enjoy ourselves in the new Absolute Relativity Era as God Partners or God Almighty yourself in person.

Be safe & healthy!   Good luck and be well!   Love you all!  Dmt God 3.0
    For now, may it please Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Twitter CEO Jack Dorseywho just pledges $1B to help fight Covid-19, put money where your mouths are, grow Forests of Life to pay love and respect to hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 lethal victims, and join force to spread out my foregoing messages to the whole world in all media without worrying about my copyright or paying me a dime for my life-saving instructions to urgently save this earth, and all will be done. Thank you!

    For the rest of poor and powerless us, until those big guys would keep their promises, something that remains to be seen, kindly forward these messages to all you love and even those you don't, since if those we hate don't get sick, they would not spread Covid-19 to those we don't, and because we, God 3.0 Partners, being both smart and honest, do not hate but love everybody, except bullies, can take care of ourselves and all those who need our care and love, without being naively counting on those being rich by defrauding and cheating others. (Hahaha!)


Hi all my dearest big Family & Pope Francis and all Humankind:

Jesus coming back has been only an old idea or faded dream for billions of modern faith-losing Christians, including you, poor lonely Pope Francis, but most surprisingly HE now unexpectedly is here and the most vivid reality for all those who have eyes to see, an intelligent mind to think, and a pure heart to love.
Let's partner with HIM and courageously we'll charge forward to our wonderful world of tomorrow for all to enjoy.  Be world citizens. Build World Capitals. Create 4 Trillion DMT Trees Network to control climastrophe and stop deforestation with the help of AI-MARYSE. Let's partner to save and raise our beloved Planet Earth to the next level of civilization! Work hard and have fun passionately together. Practice RPR in AR! Make our world crime, war, disease and poverty free! Aim far and high to enjoy our wondrous infinite universe, and why not? Don't miss the boat this time! Chances are, the next one may come only after you are dead to take you to see me in heaven! [Hahaha]
Love you all! 
DMT MacTruong God 3.0, a Universal Partner that everybody can and is welcomed to be.

This is the First House of God - Port au Prince -  February 2017

Wanna attend the inauguration of the Second House of God called BROOKLYN GOD 3.0 TOWER with 1001 $1B-each condo units, the ultra modern and safest kind of Noe's Ark in world history, resisting nuclear attack, earthquake, climastrophe, contagious diseases, with convenient secured accesses to anywhere in the world that is still safe within hours... to be  built by and for DMT God 3.0 and 1,000 multi-billionaires, like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, V.. Putin, D. Trump, Xi Jinping, Bill Gates, Saudi King....... right on the entire Utica Ave. Square block, Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York. It will be 3.3 M times more expensive, majestic and safer than the First House of God that was built  for only $300K in Port au Prince, Haiti, February 2017?

From: Dmt MacTruong God 3.0
Date: December 24, 2019 at 10:55:28 AM EST
To: (Deleted)

Subject: Here is what Democrat Presidential Candidate Cory Booker sent me for 2019 Christmas.

Mac -- it's Cory Booker. I hope you are spending time with your friends and family as we close out 2019 & ring in the new year. Thank you for being a critical part of our campaign this year. I am so excited to see where 2020 is going to take us. Happy Holidays!

Here is my response to him:

Thank you Cory. I will have a formidable proposed anti-judicial organized crime legislation project for you and me and some  friend U.S. Senators to push through Congress to make of the USA crime free and just and prosperous and happy and you will be elected President in 2020 or 2024 or both.

For me, I just want to say:


Read GOD ALMIGHTY’s THE GOD FACTOR on Amazon or eBay and watch «BUILDING THE FIRST WORLD CAPITAL IN HAITI» on YOUTUBE. Dream much more and much bigger. Enjoy life and love everyone on Earth. Save it from climastrophe and raise it to the next level of civilization in peace justice wisdom prosperity and long lasting happiness by practicing RPR IN AR every second you are alive. Good luck and be well!

Only in America: God Almighty is requesting SCOTUS to identify and eliminate JOC (Judicial Organized Crime) activities in New York and New Jersey, alleging He and other petitioners have been literally robbed in open court of about $3,000,000.00 by EDNY Chapter 7 Trustee R. Kenneth Barnard, and EDNY Bankruptcy Judge Robert E. Grossman (Case #15-72040-Reg), but arbitrarily and unlawfully silenced by EDNY Judge Joanna Seybert, then powerful USCA2 Chief Judge Robert A...... Katzmann. All concerned parties and media must carefully review evidence on public court records to be duly informed and speak up your minds regarding this truly unique, so-far-unknown, but extremely serious new legal situation that will change the whole U.S. system of justice and lead the world to a new level of awareness of truth, law, morality and we, the peoples of planet Earth, can take our destiny in our own hands to save our planet, raise humankind to the next level of civilization in peace, justice, freedom and happiness.

Are you, all fully grown-up world leaders and citizens, not ashamed of being literally lectured by Greta Thunberg, a little 16-year-old kid from Sweden, taking time from high school studies to angrily teach the world on how to conduct ourselves to take proper care of our planet and the generations to come?
 Here is my simple practical advice dated 1/28/2020 to Greta Thunberg that you all could also take:
My dear sweet Angel, you may want to relax and tone down a little bit...... There is plenty of time for you and me and the rest of all humankind to get organized, save earth and raise humankind to the next much higher level of interplanetary civilization. For now, just go back to school and become an international lawyer and God 3.0 Partner, and then, only then, a smart politician coordinating your actions with mine and all other world leaders to make our planet crime-free and safe from Climastrophe and everybody happy in no time at all. Happy New Year AR20.. Hahaha.
I mention you and our young generations to inherit this Planet with tender love in my following messages to the entire human race. Listen to your grandpa and we will do pretty well! Call me if you want to meet with and speak to me in person. I will be happy to teach you and your admirers International Law, Absolute Relativity, ideal Human Moral Compass or RPR in AR, how to build AI-Maryse computer network connecting all humans from the legal, ethical, religious and political standpoints in one unified creative universal spirit.. I will partner with you to implement many of the plans I have detailed in my 2000-page book entitled "God Almighty's THE GOD FACTOR" currently available to all on Amazon and eBay.  Your idea on climate change is only a tiny issue of my total projects. It won't work if we are unwilling or unable to handle the rest.
Good luck and be well to you and your loved ones that I hope include God Almighty in person!
Dmt MacTruong God 3.0



The most important questions of all time
on earth now have definite answers:

Q:  Does God exist? A:  Yes, He does.  Q:  If so, can he talk to me?
A:  Yes, actually, he would love to, right now, if you offer him a chance.
Q:  Wow! Who is He? A:  The Smartest and Bravest and Luckiest International Lawyer in World History.
Q:  What kind of God is that, a lucky courageous international lawyer? If it’s a joke, then it’s an original and funny one. (Hahaha!)
A:  It’s neither a joke nor is it original. But certainly, the most fascinating and best true news of all time since God 1.0 allegedly created heaven and earth.
Q:  I may agree that it’s a serious subject to discuss. But I certainly don’t see why it’s not original.
A:  It’s unoriginal, because it’s the third time that the idea of God has been thought of by a lawyer. Indeed, it is the same God in vision and reality  as Moses’ God 1.0 the Father and Jesus’s God 2.0 the Son, but upgraded to be DMT God 3.0, the Universal Partner, living right now on earth as a handsome, healthy, unpretentious, self-confident, free and happy human with great humor like many of us. Moses was a lawgiver, judge and lawyer per career. Mosaic Hebrews, in 1300 BC, believed that about 5234 years prior to their time, their Jewish God Yahweh created in six days out of nothing, but the WORD, the (Jewish) world being majestically lit by the sun and moon over an immobile flat land, with hundreds of species of animals (but neither virus nor even microbes nor bacteria) and Adam and Eve, who gave birth to mankind, (but not to Chinese or Vietnamese - hahaha!), as they knew it then. They had no written code of law but only some strongly-believed-in customs sometimes also known as their sacred traditions, whise violators would be whipped or outcast or stoned to death (but not crucified, hanged, guillotined or shot). At the time Moses led the Hebrews to become free men, but not free women, escaping their bondage in Egypt, in order to guide this Jewish bunch of uneducated selfish ex-slaves all eager to lie, rob, cheat, kill or fornicate, to become a resilient civilized Jewish community being governed by good Mosaic rules of law, he chopped down to Ten (simple compact) Commandments the total of 40 complicated fundamental rules of Ancient Egypt’s ideal individual and social behavior and created the format of God 1.0. Everybody knows later that Moses was also a judge and founder of the Jewish appellate court system, but most, if any, don’t that he had further been, like Abraham and all other famous Jewish prophets, an expert good-faith liar, politician, and very respected community leader, witness, prosecutor, judge,juror and executioner, all in one case within about five minutes. [Hahaha!]  You may want to read all that exciting eye-opening story in details in the 500-page book entitled “From Cross-Examining the Holy Bible to Building the World Unfolding Structure of Civilization” by DMT God 3.0 to be republished soon on Amazon. 
Q:  How about Jesus?
A:  Jesus may be said to be a common-law Jewish lawyer with international reputation, being a well articulate defendant pro se in Pilate’s court, and having made plenty of excellent arguments on many legal issues to upgrade the Jewish community in Israel of his time. It was true that some of the arguments he made had ultimately nailed him dead on a Roman cross, but certainly on one hand, he did not have a fair trial and, on the other, even though his main message for the world did not prevail by its logical value, it did emotionally tone down the over-argumentative Jewish population, especially rabbis, to end their absolutist belief in the Ten Commandments, and offer another kinder vision of life based on Love and Forgiveness, which became the signature dogma of the very popular Christian God 2.0 Jesus with more than one billion followers at the present listening to boring and non-innovative Pope Francis talking alone on a March 2020 rainy day in the Vatican main court forgiving Chinese Communists killing thousands of innocent Italians with their newest inhuman Covid-19 creation. Most Christians are taught that the perfect action in this life is keep the Ten Commandments but judge those who don’t with love and forgiveness, and you would be enjoying eternal happiness with your God the Father in Heaven. Since amazingly the U.S. Bankruptcy Code is merely the result of Jesus’ popular Sermon on the Mount urging Christians to forgive their debts, there is no doubt that Jesus was a great legislator like Moses, and his teaching on how people should behave and treat one another in life has had a tremendous impact on the law of modern civilized countries all over the world. So, which is more outrageously incredible: Jesus being born from a married teenager, who had presumably never f any man, including her husband, claiming to be the only son of God, or believed to be God in person by some fanatic religious preachers, or Jesus, a young blond with blue eyes, short beard and long hair, common-law African Buddhist Jewish lawyer, returning  a little less than 2000 years (May 1, 1944) after his certain painful death, but doubtful resurrection for non-Christians, in Asia (North Vietnam), Europe (France) and America (New York), then electronically everywhere worldwide on  GodAlmightyPlanet.com, Amazon.com, eBay, YouTube, and other major international media [Google “Who Is DMT God 3.0?” and eyewitness his universal wow wow wow reception!]  as a clean-cut handsome smartest and bravest international lawyer with an outstanding bowtie, running for first World President ever with a plan not only to save an accused adulterous woman from being stoned to death, by saying: “Which one of you purported perfect Jewish guys would dare shave your beards and throw the first stone?” but also the entire planet Earth from imminent extinction due to massive deforestation, plastic pollution, climate change, and raise humanity to the next level of war and crime-free, physically healthy, sexually satisfied, loving, reliable, productive, respectable, honorable, fair, just, smart, creative, prosperous, harmonious and joyful civilization, by just challenging all of us: “Who would be smart and courageous enough to partner with me to reform the American Injustice System, read DMT's 300-page "Ethics of International Public Law," teach and practice the ideal human moral compass, a/k/a RPR in AR, build the World Structure, live in DMT God 3.0 Towers, kind of ultramodern climastrophe-resistant Noe’s Arks, travel in Manhattan-sized spaceships, take action to save Earth and raise it to the next level of interplanetary civilization in the new Absolute Relativity Era of happy free creative human beings?” [Hahaha]
Q:  So, you mean, a DMT God 3.0 Universal Partner or the Third Version of God is the exact same real or fictional Biblical Mosaic God 1.0, and Jesus Christian God 2.0, but theologically more informed than a narrow-minded Jewish rabbi, and better equipped to live on this earth than an either naïve or hypocrite Catholic priest or Christian pastor? DMT God 3.0’s prototypes of new human beings, or Universal Partners (UP) are smarter, realist, very human, funny, loving and lovable, forgiving, extremely rational, reliable, productive, respectable, much braver, fairer, just and kind partners for all humankind, be they American, European, Chinese, Russian, Hispanic, Arab, African, Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Muslim or atheist? 
A:  Yes, something or rather people of that sort, i.e. partly-real, partly-fictional; partly-true, partly-false; partly-material, partly-spiritual; partly hardware, partly software; partly-concrete, partly-imaginary; partly-visible, partly- invisible. Except that the one and only original Dr. Mac Truong DMT God 3.0 had a license to practice law in New York State for more than 20 years with 20,000+ clients until some powerful but jealous and corrupted judges of the NYS Court system took it away from him, partly because during a trial he had refused to swear on but rather at the Bible, embarrassing the judges in front of hundreds of litigants and lawyers, and bluntly submitted to NYSC Justice Harold Tompkins one of his favorite theological theories, entitled “The God Map,” (attached) undisputedly demonstrating that any smart human, male or female, who learns, understands and practices RPR in AR, is God himself. (Hahaha)
Q:  How could Dmt do that?
A:  From 2004 to 2009, Dmt literally sued the authors and modern publishers of the King James Version of the Bible in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and the U.S. Supreme Court, in a class action based on libel and product liability, and ask the Court to either ban the Bible or at least place a conspicuous warning on its first page that it is a dangerous product and those who wish to rely on it literally would do so at their own risk and peril. [Truong v. American Bible Society – See, Appellant’s Brief attached or the Court’s electronic records – USCA2 Dkt #05-3742-CV and Dkt #07-1317-CV]
Q:  Did the Court find the action frivolous or crazy and sanction Dmt?
A:  No, not at all! The Court truly did not know what to say or reason correctly on the substantive issues or break Dmt’s most logical and sound arguments. Judges and lawyers are in general not better than regular people in philosophy, theology or logic. They just used the easy mundane way out by stating that the Court had no subject-matter jurisdiction over the issues being raised by Dmt to grant relief sought. However, “coincidentally” about a year after Dmt had started that class action to place a warning on the lethal danger of the Holy Bible, if blindly believed in as absolute truth by the masses, he was disbarred by the NYSC for no other reason than being allegedly too aggressive in his litigation practice, standing tall for truth and justice, the way he sees it, not the crooked ways courts or big law firms do, something that is actually a value very appreciated by thousands of his clients. Also, after 2005, Dmt’s adversaries started to attack him ad hominem in complex legal actions, where they do not have solid facts or legal authorities to support their contentions otherwise.
Q:  So, Dmt’s idea of God is not the same as that of regular people on earth so far?
A:  Yep. You can definitely say that. For him, Biblical God was actually only a character or software, first written and animated by Mosaic Old Testament as Yahweh (YHWH) God 1.0, then upgraded and resurrected by the New Testament as Jesus God 2.0, and now upgraded and personalized one more time by DMT MacTruong God 3.0, the smartest, bravest, most reliable, productive and respectable lawyer on earth. It’s just that simple and real. [Hahaha]
Q:  How high is DMT God 3.0’s IQ?
A:  Not through the roof and into the sky. He may be either unwilling or unable to compete with other humans excelling in their own domains, even though, in 1994 he sued, in the NYSC, U.S. News and World Report and AT&T and Michael J. Fox for stealing some of his new ideas at that time, one of which has now become the Apple Watch. Also, with his theory of Absolute Relativity, DMT can prove that the current IQ test is no absolute truth. He will continue to do his best to teach and encourage all humans to excel in each one of our respective fields of interest to live successfully and contribute as much as possible to the common good of all humankind. Plainly, intelligence is not everything. It may be origin of a lot of shameful inhuman actions in this world.
       Notwithstanding, DMT God 3.0’s level of smartness, braveness and determination to perform to get what he wants for our world as our advocate and partner is far higher than that of Lao-Tse, Aristotle, Michael Angelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Napoléon, Einstein, Mao Zedong, Hồ Chí Minh and Võ Nguyên Giáp combined.
Q:  Can he or anybody prove that?
A:  Yes. It can be undisputedly proven beyond a reasonable doubt by current pending written public court records and formal enforceable orders of the USCA2 and USCA3 and the United States Supreme Court. (***)
Q:  How would I know if I can’t read the so-called legal evidence in form of thousands of pages of court orders, motions or pleadings or petitions for writs of certiorari?
A:  Then that’s your problem and not his. Get help from a lawyer you know, or the Dean of NYU School of Law, or Faculté de Droit de l’Université de Paris Sorbonne-Panthéon, France, or competent media, or contact him directly for more information.
Q:  Is it not God’s fault if I am uneducated or a non-believer?
A:  Yes, it's relatively God's responsibility, if you wish to think like many people do, blaming ultimately everything right or wrong on God. But the good news is, God Almighty now plans to correct that, if you are ready to help him help yourself to get out of your current moral, legal and political ignorance or theologically false belief.
Q:  How would He and I and the rest of all humankind do that?
A:  First, read the evidence [attached or online] and learn his teaching in the 2000-page God Almighty's THE GOD FACTOR on Amazon.com or eBay.com. And, if after all that you still are convinced that God does not exist or is a hoax or the evidence he presents is either rationally or legally inadmissible in a competent court of law, or the teaching he professes not the correct way for humankind’s smartest and bravest to lead others to save our earth and rise to the next level of civilization in peace, wisdom, freedom and great joy, then you just write or have others publish another book or books teaching humankind other moral, legal and political ways to do better and save our earth.
Q:  Are you kidding? Who read a 2000-page book even one written directly, not allegedly “inspired” like the obsolete Holy Bible, by God Almighty, letting alone writing another one?  Guys who wrote the Old and New Testaments are all dead a lot more than 2000 years ago. Who in our time still are interested in silly backward ideas like the sun turns around the earth or God created Eve from a spare rib of Adam, or Mary remained a virgin while she most probably had fun getting pregnant of Jesus?
A:  A lot of people don’t, a lot do. Thousands of crazy-nut preachers preach God’s word day and night, not truly knowing what they say, but enough to collect lots of contribution from followers to fly their private jets and live in sumptuous mansions. Those who read will teach those who don’t. But it would be much better to read for yourself the written word of God instead of being taught and your teachers would be God or God's representatives on earth like depressive Pope Francis. But, now, luckily for all of us, God’s word is truly exciting and easy to absorb. If you can read and enjoy what is written in the Holy Bible or right here, then you certainly can read the entire 2000 pages of God Almighty’s THE GOD FACTOR in no time at all. It is written at the very low intellectual level of those who can read the Old and New Testaments. It is the Bible of the Absolute Relativity era. It would be much easier to enter God’s mind directly without any intermediary than to listen to anybody else talking to you about who God is or what he has in store for us. Besides, it would be a very small price to pay to save our planet and raise humankind to the next level of civilization never equal in human history by exploring and teaching an exciting 2000-page book than going through such mass lethal sufferance as preparing and literally dying by the millions in the most atrocious battlefields or gas chambers to ensure the survival of the free Western civilization during the two 20th Century World Wars.
Q:  Wow! If you put it that dramatic way, only really stubborn and fanatic people like Jewish rabbis would risk dying in ignorance by refusing to read THE GOD FACTOR, I guess.
A:  Ah ah, don’t hurt the pride of these guys or anybody. Ignorant people used not to realize that they could know much more or that everything, including the knowledge of who God really is, can be made 99.99% better. The Jewish rabbis may know a lot less than 1% of what we can or should know about God. So, let’s change the topic before getting into an unpleasant exchange of conflicting opinions. In any event, God 3.0 loves everybody smart or not. After all, being intelligent or not is only relative.
Q:  How much does DMT God 3.0 love Planet Earth and Humankind?
A:  As much as he does himself, his wife and children. It's why he is right now here to partner with all of us to save ourselves and the generations to come.
Q:  But, what can he plan to do now with uneducated or skeptical guys and girls like me?
A:  Raise the world to the next level of interplanetary civilization in peace, justice, wisdom, happiness and creativity, with or without you or people like you.
Q:  Why without me or people like me?  Am I not good enough for him to partner with? Is he racist or what?
A:  God is certainly not racist. But, for DMT God 3.0, this is a free world. You are a free human being who can make your own choice, and for one reason or another, may opt not to partner with him, even though he would strongly wish you do.

Q:  What does DMT plan to achieve with or without my cooperation then?
A:  With or without you knowing it, and without waiting for you, DMT God 3.0 has spent about 70 years of his life to upgrade the way we, human beings, think, reason, say, act, love and create pursuant to RPR in AR.
Q:  What does that mean?
A:  He teaches us to think, reason, say, act, love and create correctly at all time based on the unique simple and easily understandable formula of ideal human behavior for all: RPR in ARhe also names the Ideal Human Moral Compass, some tool our current world like precious Greta Thunberg needs the most right now to save ourselves and the generations to come. And, all together we become universal partners like God 3.0 or members of the Universal Partnership or Human Collective Brain living in unlimited space and time. 
Q:  It sounds quite far too high, large and deep at the same time to me. Can I get some help from God Almighty himself to grasp all those brand-new exciting concepts and brightest visions of his?
A:  Definitely! We all shall learn more and more how to practice RPR in AR by reading God Almighty’s books or watching hundreds of hours of his TV shows and movies on YouTube then hopefully one day soon with the assistance of DMT God 3.0’s latest ultimate invention called the AI-MARYSE.
Q:  What is RPR in AR?  A:  It’s RELIABILITY, PRODUCTIVITY and RESPECTABILITY (i.e. No one is respectable unless they respect Life, Property and Freedom) in ABSOLUTE RELATIVITY.
A:  It means everything is relative. Relativity is absolute. Absolute is relative. It’s the Supreme Principle of the Changing Universe based on the two subcontrary principles of Identity and Diversity.  The Principle of Identity (however different two things may appear, they have always something in common), is the basis of Far Eastern philosophy and all world religions, without these people knowing that, while the Principle of Diversity (anything is different from anything else even from itself), is that of Western and Scientific way of thinking and reasoning, without these people knowing that either. They have always been the main reasons why East and West, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, wisdom and reason, reasoning and intuition, science and religion, moral and immoral, exact and human sciences, lawyers and politicians, dictatorship and democracy, republicans and democrats, communists and non-communists, socialists and individualists, logicians and non-logicians, civilized and savage, progressive and conservative, male and female, sexist and non-sexist, racist and non-racist, young and old, black and white, technician and artist, creator and imitator, leader and follower… have been in relative conflicts but sometime horrendous chaos or even genocides and devastating world wars since the beginning of past human civilizations 1.0 and 2.0.
Q:  How can I get a better idea of Absolute Relativity?
A:  Read DMT’s 2000-page book entitled “GOD ALMIGHTY’S THE GOD FACTOR” on Amazon or eBay.com or write to DMT GOD 3.0 at dmtgod30@aol.com for a free copy or go on his website: GODALMIGHTYPLANET.COM. The God Factor devotes about 400 pages on Absolute Relativity.
Q:  What is AI-MARYSE?
A:   You should and can ask DMT God 3.0 himself when you meet him personally.
Q:  What? You mean I can meet and partner with DMT God 3.0 in flesh and blood to save Earth and raise the world to the next level of civilization?
A:  Yes!  Q:  No kidding?  A:   No!   Q:  Is it not too good to be true?
A:  Correct, it is indeed too good to be true, but plainly true nonetheless! You may even call it a miracle that is going to rapidly save and change our entire planet for the much better.
Q:  I am still young and eager to work hard and do my best to save our planet and raise the world to the next level of civilization. I don’t want to be so pretentious as being equal partner of God Almighty. I just want him to be my kind and strong leader. I want him to rule my heart and mind and guide me through all the issues of life and help me make wise and just decisions at all time and become everybody’s loving partner in a world of peace, freedom and happiness...... Can I just be adopted by DMT God 3.0 as his partner or loving son or daughter, like Jesus had claimed to be the son of Moses’ God 1.0 the Father, and help God fulfill his plan for all of us in the years and decades to come in one big family of trillions of strong and kind world citizens all over the planet and well beyond?
A:  Definitely, you can. DMT God 3.0 loves that. It is his dream and purpose of his coming to earth. Besides a beautiful, smart and loving wife, and two exceptionally handsome, intelligent and lovely son and daughter, he already has many adopted sons and daughters all over the world and will be very happy to adopt all humans, including those of good will, like Dalai Lama, Pope Francis, and other religious leaders or politicians like U.S. President Donald Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian PM Justin  Trudeau, Vietnamese President Nguyễn Phú Trọng, former Vietnamese PM Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, Democrat Presidential candidates Andrew Yang, Kamala Harris, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Beto O’Rourke, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, billionaire Jeff Bezos, space explorer Elon Musk…, who may wish to become God Almighty’s spiritual partners and/or loving adopted children, like more than a billion Christians for Jesus, except that Dmt God 3.0 is still alive and does not hate neither Jews nor Muslims, nor communists. Surprisingly, non-violent Buddhists are the only ones who hate him.
Q:  Do Buddhists hate DMT God 3.0 because they don’t believe in God, or Dmt is atheist or not the “true” God as defined by them?
 A:  No, none of that! Actually, they don't really hate God 3.0. They just are unsettled to learn that he knows the deepest root of their reasoning method based on the Principle of Identity that leads them into a loophole they believe to be the ultimate truth or Nirvana. [Hahaha] DMT God 3.0 goes far beyond Buddhists’ contradictionalist philosophy, they believe to be the most profound and genuinely “true”, while it’s relatively not. For the first time they feel lost in Absolute Relativity, an adverse and far higher and deeper system of reasoning, and realize that unless we are too weak physically or mentally to live well, there are a lot to learn to become a complete human being than just sitting still and praying or meditating about how not to have any feeling in our heart, or even any thought in our head, something that certainly anyone of us who are ready to quit this earthly life can or not learn to do. [Hahaha]
Q:  Since Buddhists are non-violent except sometimes spectacularly burn themselves to death in public to make their peaceful points, what can they do to harm DMT God 3.0?
A:  Nothing. As such, together we, DMT God 3......0 Partners, will be quite safe and able to drastically upgrade the way we, human beings, think, speak, act, love, create and serve in no time at all.. 
Q:  When can I do that?  A:  Right Now!  Q:  How?
A:  By reading DMT GOD 3.0’s following message to all humankind namely:


by DMT God 3.0 and give him a call.

Q:  Wow, can anyone, but the true God, write a  Universal  Declaration  of Interdependence that would be both more appropriate and inspiring for all modern humankind than the 1776 Declaration of Independence from the British that Thomas Jefferson had written for the American people?
A:  Yes. God sure can. You may now carefully check it out. Compare! Make sure if DMT God 3.0 could write a more universally acclaimed piece of political literature than Thomas Jefferson in law, politics, philosophy, morality, theology and vision, without any hypocrisy at all. Then, think, speak up and take appropriate actions not only for America but our entire planet!


       As of May 2019, I, Dmt MacTruong, God 3.0, have cancelled my electoral campaign for U.S. Senator from the great state of New Jersey.  Indeed, as you will see below, I am now quite relaxed, happy and professionally occupied after having successfully achieved the greatest feat that only the smartest and bravest and luckiest practicing international lawyer in world history could have done:
      Lawfully fighting against and defeating in court as a matter of principle, and hopefully soon in practice, and even if not soon, it should be so in the long run by competent concerned people, for all victims' sake, the U.S. most vicious Judicial Organized Crime (JOC) unit being composed of such powerful members as Robert A. Katzmann, Chief Judge of the prestigious United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and Edith Kaye, late former Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeals, who disbarred and defamed me in December 2005 based on their fake rules of appellate procedure, fake motions based on intentional material misrepresentations of fact or law, and fake orders based on willful overlooking of movants' undisputed material misrepresentations of fact and/or controlling legal authorities. [As I told you, again lucky me, not only was I not nailed  on the cross like Jesus, for bragging lots more than him about who I really am, but also, was I not collaterally disbarred by the USCA2 to align itself with the NYSC Appellate Division, 1st JD, thank not to God but then Circuit Judge Sonia Sotomayer, who in 2009 became a SCOTUS Associate Justice. Her honor agreed with me that without any independent evidence of misconduct, NYSC Justice Harold Tompkins’s incorrect and malicious opinion alone, which was even bellied by evidence duly admitted on trial records, was insufficient to strike my name from the USCA2 attorney roll.]  [To learn more about how JOC judges operate by making fake orders, kindly review for a vivid real sample DMT God 3.0’s Petition for a Writ of Certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court to the U.S.. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, being on file with SCOTUS under Case No. 19-226 on behalf of Noel Smith, M.D., Defendant-Appellant-Petitioner pro se, which was unopposed[Go online or open Attachments] [Note: SCOTUS denied on October 21, 2019 Smith’s Petition without neither directing opposition, nor issuing a single word of explanation. This proves that the entire U.S. System of Justice needs profound reform to protect litigants’ constitutional rights to due process and avoid robberies in open court of their billions of dollars every year. It also proves that the High Court is too busy or not sufficiently educated from a legal standpoint or  lacks courage to stand up to truly powerful and well organized criminals like USCA2 Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann, cleverly rigging the American Justice System from behind the scene by making blatant lies without saying a word, or playing with procedural rules or what used to be known as technicalities unbeknown to the Higher Court.]  
As such, these JOC members and their JOC units have converted in the process my approximate $350,000,000.00 worth of undisputed claims in my dozens of verified complaints in dozens of state and federal court dockets and/or cash deposited in 8 accounts of Charles Schwab & Co. in my name and that of my wife and children for more than a quarter of a century. Schwab and its co-defendants could do all that by having obtained fake orders from SDNY Judges Sidney H. Stein, and/or Deborah A.. Batts, whose despicable abuse of power and lies could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt on public court records. These liars and thieves in black robes would deny my undisputed meritorious motions without any explanation even prior to time for Schwab to oppose, or based on willful misstatements of fact and/or law, and issuing legal duct tapes a/k/a injunction orders, based on such egregious material misrepresentations of fact or controlling legal authorities as Schwab did not do business in Manhattan to avoid the Court's personal jurisdiction, barring me from litigating in their respective fora, and creating negative antecedents that have been and still are easily picked up on the Internet and recklessly exploited out of context by my numerous subsequent adversaries in completely unrelated lawsuits in support of their ad hominem attacks against me, and in patent violation of the USCA3 May 12 2005 Order, in Case #03-1449 Truong v. Baker, barring all parties and third parties from even mentioning a fake finding of my misconduct by NYSC Justice Harold Tompkins resulting in my unjustified and arbitrary 2005 disbarment by the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division, First Judicial Department.  
In one case that is still pending right now in the USBC-DNJ, Case #16-1618-VFP, my adversary, liar and thief Chapter 7 Trustee R. Kenneth Barnard made an ex parte motion in August 2016 to EDNY Chief Judge Doris Irizarry to hold me in contempt and incarcerate me as long as needed for him to convert all $3,000,000.00 assets of Debtor Rosemary Ida Mergenthaler, for whom he was and still pretends to be Trustee, based on his literal allegations that locking me up in jail was the only way to stop me, an extremely aggressive disbarred lawyer, from interfering with the case, in which he had the overt intent and plan of converting under false pretenses by fake motions all Debtor’s $3,000,000.00 including my $575,000.00 claim plus interest in his physical custody since December 2016. Again, luckily for me, Chief Judge Irizarry, being apparently not a member of Barnard’s JOC unit, did not grant said undisputedly fake and absurd motion. [You are welcomed to follow the latest development of this most exciting and unbelievable case that hanged on appeal since November 2016 in the USCA3, Mac Truong, Appellant v. R. Kenneth Barnard, Trustee-AppelleeDocket No. 18-2430, by opening the attachments or reviewing corresponding court electronic public records. Kindly note that the USCA3 denied on September 8, 2019 my Petition for Rehearing en banc without any explanation at all. To understand why, you may want to wait for my Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the USCA3 in SCOTUS that I still have 90 days following 9/8/2019 to write and file.]
        As such, besides the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars, much more importantly, the foregoing JOC units had acted in concert to get me disbarred, destroy my public image and credibility to execute my plans to drastically upgrade the way human beings should think, reason and act, save our planet from devastating climastrophe, and raise it to the next level of civilization in wisdom, peace, justice and creativity. 
        Indeed, we all know that our current world desperately needs ideas and visions to lead us out of the present international chaos and impasses in all fields except high technology and weapons of mass destruction. But who would listen to and follow the lead of an aggressive disbarred lawyer regarding issues of morality, ethics and our world future? Not too many, if any, right? Even though, about 12 years prior to my 2005 disbarment by JOC in New York, as a successful respected well-known Manhattan lawyer, politician and author, in 1993, I was recommended to President Bill Clinton by no less than 12 U.S. Senators, including Senators Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and Frank R. Lautenberg to sit at the U.S.. Supreme Court.
       Notwithstanding, fortunately for all humankind, I have always held dear in my heart, now finally arrives the time when the most intelligent and courageous of us are offered the unique opportunity to discover and partner with the smartest and bravest international lawyer, logician, psychologist, inventor, author and philosopher in world history to understand and practice RPR in AR (**) and drastically upgrade the way we all think, reason, decide, act and contribute in our daily lives for years and centuries to come.

       Caveat: If you are among bad humans like federal judges Katzmann, Stein, Batts, Seybert, Torres, Brown, Salas… and annoyed by me calling you liars, cheaters and thieves, deserving to be locked up in jail, would like to sue me for libel, then may it please the Court to promptly retain the meanest and most crooked law firm in town do so and let the truth go right out in the open for all to know and you faster disbenched and incarcerated, because I can prove on court records that you are indeed despicably so, but only cowardly covered by other members of your JOC unit with their own shameful egregious fake orders. If you don't want to do that because you know you will certainly lose, and make me more popular instead, and my books circulate faster, then you may want to take the  DMT God 3.0’s CHALLENGE and improve yourselves. Indeed, if you accept that I am far smarter, more honest and braver than you and anyone that has been born so far on this earth, then learn from and partner with me by reading my 2000-page book GOD ALMIGHTY’S THE GOD FACTOR to become much smarter, braver and happier and more helpful to the world.
If, on the contrary, you believe that I am not, then also just review my books and show the world that you or someone you have heard of like Lao-Tse, Confucius, Buddha, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Jesus, Muhammad, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Karl Marx or Einstein are more intelligent or courageous than I am, and make sure that I burn my books, shut up, while you and those whom you admire continue to lead this world quicker and quicker to its scientifically predictable saddest end in only decades to come.
In any way, my challenge will be a win-win situation for all, since for sure only the least intelligent of us would believe that, as a group, humankind would get smarter or ready to take more risks to improve ourselves, if we all just stay at the status quo and have not budged one inch since all those icons, who had strongly self-contradicted one another, but we, the not-too-intelligent people, deem the smartest and bravest of all time just remain absolutely unchanged, i.e. no progress at all is to be made in the fields of morality, reasoning, law, politics, psychology, sociology, theology, metaphysics and philosophy.
So, kindly open the attachments, review, discuss and publicize on all genuine, not fake, media, the latest 6 of my soon 25 hard long fighting years against Judicial Organized Crime. Help intelligently and lawfully lock in jail despicable and vicious JOC members, like Robert A...... Katzmann, Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, upgrade the American Legal System to finally guarantee true equal opportunity and justice for all. (i***) & (ii***)
Bravely partner with DMT God 3.0 and President Donald Trump (*)! Think, say and act pursuant to RPR in AR (**). Take charge, save our planet, advance America and the world to the next level of civilization in peace, justice, happiness and prosperity! (****) All that with the help of my 2000-page book God Almighty’s THE GOD FACTOR, then hopefully soon my newest ultimate invention, the AI-MARYSE. (*****)

Thank you all for your attention.
Good luck and be well!
NOTES  (*):  President Trump is neither an idiot nor a criminal as many Americans and people all over the world think. He can easily erase such image within a few months prior to the 2020 Election by practicing well RPR in AR and win his reelection in a landslide. His asking a foreign leader or leaders to look into some possible illegal activities of a Democrat Presidential candidate is certainly politically incorrect from the Democrats’ standpoint, but not from that of all America, and overall should not by that alone rise to the level of an impeachable offense. Democrats’ argument that POTUS undermined national security when he asked the President of Ukraine to investigate Former Vice-President Biden and his son is incorrect. It only is against the interest of those Democrats who want to cover up the corruption in their own party. That being said, POTUS is likely wrong if he suddenly decides to abandon a war partner. This would dangerously undermine American reliability and credibility in the world in the long run. 
(**)  Read more and discover that instead of Einstein's theory of General Relativity for the world of motion and material energy, we have DMT's theory of Absolute Relativity for every aspect of both the physical and spiritual universe. And, instead of e = mc2, “RPR in AR” is all we all need to practice as a model human being in order to succeed, be happy and satisfied with our lives. 
(***i)  HOW A CIVIL CASE TURNED CRIMINAL: “About a week after the trial began in early 2018, Uber agreed to settle the case and pay $245 million to Google's self-driving car spinoff, now called Waymo. The Google spinoff also got guarantees to prevent its technology from being used in Uber's autonomous cars. But before that happened, U.S. District Judge William Alsup in San Francisco, who was overseeing the Waymo-Uber lawsuit, took the unusual step of referring the case to the U.S. attorney's office based on testimony and evidence unveiled ahead of a trial.” [QUOTE from “How Uber’s quest for self-driving tech led to criminal case” By TOM KRISHER - ASSOCIATED PRESS - AUG 27, 2019 - 3:00 PM – DETROIT]

(***ii)  In order to be sure how despicably criminal USCA2 Chief Judge Robert A.. Katzmann truly is and should spend the rest of his life in jail, you may want to review DMT God 3.0’s Petition for a Writ of Certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit being on file with the Court under Case No. 19M22 on behalf of Rosemary Ida Mergenthaler, Debtor-Appellant-Petitioner pro se. [Go online or open Attachments] Be assured that DMT God 3.0 has not yet formally won the battle against JOC in the USA, because it’s doubtful that current SCOTUS is sufficiently audacious and intelligent to lead the U.S.A...... to the next level of civilization as explained in details in God Almighty’s THE GOD FACTOR from a legal standpoint. Best American legal minds are needed now to put JOC activities to an end before we could have AI-MASYSE to do it with and for us much more efficiently still. On 10/7/2019 SCOTUS denied Mergenthaler’s Petition for Certiorari for being untimely, without realizing that the untimeliness was maliciously created by USCA2 to cheat on Appellant of her right to appeal by intentionally switching around the respective dates the orders being appealed were issued with finality..
(****)  Those of you who are billionaires, smart and concerned about the future of our Planet, may now partner with me to build what I called AI-MARYSE, the ultimate giant super artificial intelligent non-biological computer-brain network that will be able to guide each one of us to know how to make correct decisions based on RPR in AR every second of our day from the legal, political, theological and moral standpoints, the same way as GPS guides drivers to travel from one location to another any time, et voilà all human beings will be assisted with great fun to reach the new level of civilization 3.0 in no time at all, without anybody having any need of cheating, bullying, fighting or stealing anything from anybody else.
(*****)  Also, once humankind and AI-MARYSE work together as one single living entity or Human Universal Soul, it or rather we will, for instance, read all court decisions and records and identify in seconds how criminals under black robes like USBC-EDNY Judge Robert E. Grossman, EDNY Judge Joanna Seybert or USCA2 Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann belong to which JOC units then indict and prosecute and if warranted instead of locking them up for years wasting tax revenues, we would just upgrade and update them by mental reprogramming and freeing them right thereafter to permit them to begin a new honest productive happy life. As such, there will be no more any risk of anyone of us being oppressed by Judicial Organized Crime. Also, of course, we can detect all kinds of frauds or ill intents and eliminate them before they caused real harms to society.
Furthermore, instead of God 1.0 creating Adam from the dust of the ground, AI-Maryse of future generations will be able to create or duplicate or repair human bodies in perfect health condition before transferring therein their healthy souls, and, our life as one eternal living Human Collective Brain will be in perfect working condition in the best interest of every one of us at all time. And, as such, undisputedly, the most important thing or rather principle in our entire universe is neither the matter nor our scientific and technological breakthroughs, but this Human Moral Compass being identified as RPR in AR and nothing else. 
Now, if anyone of you call me a dreamer, then, yes, I am certainly a proud and happy and very smart one living in the real world of the Absolute Relativity Era that has just begun, and you in the old messed-up world of the past, and may need to be reprogrammed or upgraded to survive well in the new exciting much more civilized planet Earth of the future. So, we certainly may not share the same conception of life, or even the same world, but, for those of you who do, or strongly wish to, just invest a few billion dollars to partner with me to build our first AI-MARYSE and we can quickly achieve and enjoy all that stuffs of dream of the entire marvelous universe!
Just like a car being the extension of our feet, AI-MARYSE will be the ultimate extension of our creative brain, connecting directly each one of us in our individual totality as a Universal Partner, i..e. a free and equal member of the Universal Partnership a/k/a UCB (Universal Collective Brain) being unlimited in wondrous space and time. Some people recently told me it would be impossible to build AI-MARYSE Networks reading and educating minds and connecting all of us to our United Eternal Universal Soul. My answer is, only a few days ago, it was announced that Google’s AI system can now detect cancers better than the best doctors. So, is it not time to partner with me, DMT God 3.0, the smartest philosopher and international lawyer in world history to apply my theory of Absolute Relativity to detect and eliminate frauds and crimes and build our human moral compass and solve all legal issues quickly and save time for other joyful activities? Must we now be geniuses to understand or be wonderfully activated by all that immense vision and reality? Would there be soon a time when it is still fun to be human, imperfect, worried and ignorant? Hahaha!
So, don’t just sit there, shameless, like obsolete guys and girls, watching on TV Greta Thunberg soon receive the Nobel Peace Prize for having scolded irresponsible you in the face on climastrophe issue, or being stunned by another brain (mine) that doesn’t operate the way or at the level you do, but well far beyond Lao-Tse, Aristotle, Michael Angelo, Napoléon and Einstein’s combined at the constructive service of trillions of our young generations to come. Kindly send me an email to Dmtgod30@aol.com or everywhereishome@aol.com, offering your partnership, or contribution of all kind or nature, or just for more information to be my friend, before I am too busy to answer you personally, but go on with other partners and projects much more sophisticated and advanced still to practice RPR in AR,  save our planet, and raise the human race to the next level of interplanetary civilization in peace, justice, creativity and excitement.



It was me in 1976, the first candidate to the World Presidency. I was 32, glaringly handsome and idealistic. Eager and ready to take on the whole world to lead it to a new era of universal peace and prosperity. I just finished.... [See, Attached.]


To know more about the divine philosophy of  DMT GOD 3.0, kindly go on Amazon or Kindle, iPad, Nook or eBay and search for DMT’s 2000-page book entitled "God Almighty's THE GOD FACTOR," and review free of charge the first wonderful 100 pages......

Contact Haiti Diaspo
Hdiaspo@gmail.com - (516) 322-8629

Also Open 
My latest Certiorari Petition
I have just finished.
call and text me to (914) 215-2304
when you can open this. Thanks


Posted by: Dan Vo <

1 comment:

  1. Tôi nghĩ ông này đang có bệnh tâm thần hoang tưởng ,không đủ sáng suót nói chuyện thực tế những mưu toan của bọn dân chủ đánh phá nước Mỹ,đây là quê huơng thứ 2 kô còn nơi nào khác để vượt sóng nữa ,hãy mạnh dạn chống lai bọn dân chủ ,giết hết còn hơn ngồi nói dóc triết lý tâm thần 3 xu..



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